“Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, views about life.”
— Carl Rogers

Am I right for you?


Sessions with me may feel like a free flowing conversation but they are underpinned by decades of training and experience. I am trained in a modality called Person Centred Counselling which puts you, the client at the centre of the process. This means your viewpoint, your experience and your goals are valued. My role is to help you reach clarity and then facilitate your journey with my expertise. I am also certified in the following and will use them as and when helpful for your process: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Hypnotherapy , Neuro Linguistic Programming, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, and Grief Counselling.

Your free consultation can be in person or via telephone or a video call. It lasts 15 minutes. It is geared towards us understanding what you want from counselling, and evaluating how we feel about working with each other. In case I think you need psychotherapy I will discuss that with you and encourage you to find a suitable therapist.

who can i help?

Counselling can help you handle emotions from problems or stressors, even if they aren't dramatically life-altering, earth shattering or traumatic.

If any of these seem familiar, I can be of help:

  • You would like to improve your relationship with someone you care about.

  • There is a decision you would like to take and need a sounding board to weigh the pros and cons.

  • Communication with some people is difficult, conversations are exhausting and frustrating and don’t seem to get you to where you want. This has started to affect your mood and thoughts.

  • You would like to change certain patterns of behaviour and thoughts that you realize may be self-defeating. But how?

  • Your emotions often get the better of you. You would like to express them and manage them better.

  • You feel ‘low’ and you are not sure what is causing you to feel this way. It would be such a relief to know what it is..

  • You would like to be more assertive, more confident and also have better decision-making skills.

  • You feel stressed and just need to let it all out. It would be good to know how to manage the stress effectively as well.

  • You would like to improve your problem-solving and conflict resolution abilities


Who can i not help?

If you are suffering from any of the following, it would be best to contact a therapist in your area.

  • suicidal thoughts

  • a diagnosed mental illness including phobias, obsessions and cumpulsions

  • coping with traumatic events, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • domestic violence or sexual assault

  • clinical depression

  • anxiety or acute panic attacks

  • problems with alcohol or drug dependency

  • issues with eating behaviour and/or body image

  • problems with violent anger

  • sexual concerns

  • compulsive behaviours

Check with me if you are not sure. Just sms or whatsapp + 49 171 7040351. We will figure it out together.