Testimonials :-)

I encountered Seema when I was going through a difficult challenge in my professional life. Seema was able to help me through this tough point but also help me to understand how I had been approaching situations in my personal and professional life which had been adding to my stress and anxiety. Her understanding, approachability and professionalism helped me to address wider problems that I was facing and help me to gain some peace and calm that had been lacking.
Her flexibility and ease of communication when arranging appointments was a massive relief when going through very stressful times. I would recommend her services to anyone who is considering seeking help.

Thank you!
— J M 2023
I have been meaning to write to you, to thank you for changing my life. I find it difficult to believe how lost I was when I started the sessions. Thanks to you, I feel so much in control of my life. I feel very confident and understand myself better now. My relationships have improved. I am truly grateful and feel lucky to have known you. Thank you!
— F K 2022
Seema has been a great help in my journey. I am glad that I reached out to her during a time when I needed to work on myself.
Not only has she truly helped me in the goal I have set out to achieve, but also her kindness, and non-judgemental and friendly demeanour gives one the ease one needs to talk about themselves without hesitation, which of course really helps the process.
As a therapist she is also very approachable, thanks to which I never needed to second guess myself when asking for appointments and other such matters. I trust her immensely. Thank you very much for your time and your kindness Seema. I really appreciate it.
— M B 2023
Counselling with Seema has changed my life for the better. I was going through a really tough spot as a university student, not being able to sleep at all during the week but still having to keep up with work and exams. She helped me to question parts of myself and seek knowledge to lighten the weight on my shoulders. Her empathetic and understanding approach gave me the confidence to look inwards and think about my decisions and aspects of myself, which ultimately propelled me forwards.
— A S 2023
Adults need as much love acceptance and adulation as do children - this fact was made visible to me by Seema. I was going through a tough phase of my life at the age of 52. Instead of being heard and understood all I heard from my family was to accept my circumstances and move ahead in life. With much sadness I thought that was the way things were meant to be in this world. But no - after being introduced to Seema as a counsellor I felt my troubles were real and there were real solutions to these problems.
She has a beautiful pleasant way of reaching your soul and stirring your sensibilities. This interaction helped me to find and curate most of solutions myself just by simple conversations that lead to dissolution of complex issues.
I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to be healed and move forward in life with positivity and solutions.
— Sarika
“Seema is definitely top notch and the years of experience that she brings with her is evident…”
Jo’s story.

I had the good fortune of inviting Seema to present a talk on child sexual abuse to young female students years back when I was working with a non-profit in Delhi. I still recall the Q&A time after the session to be extremely effective for those present. As was evident back then and still holds true today, Seema is able to genuinely connect with people with a natural ease. That, in my opinion is a pre-requisite for anyone who is in the service of a calling that involves thoughtful listening.

Years later, I contacted Seema while I was living outside India and was going through a very difficult phase. In a nutshell, the cumulative traumas of a failed abusive relationship in a foreign country, numerous failing attempts at trying to find meaningful employment and all of it while yearning to be back home on familiar soil with the family I had left behind and ached for every moment. Seema, being an expat herself, not only empathized with  my homesickness, but also helped guide me through one of the most challenging phases of my life there, as I needed to decide what my next steps would be.

I gained clarity of my path and was able to make a well thought out decision about my future, thanks to the steady and sensible support that I got from Seema. Just a few months after coming back home, I was caught in another intense whirlwind with the loss of my mother.  I thought of Seema then too, but didn’t think I needed counselling since everyone told me it will get better with time. I just had to ride out the hard part. Thing is, it didn’t get better. It only got worse. My mother was and  still is my life. I felt totally broken. Suddenly, life had no point, no purpose anymore. I was lost, sleepwalking in the din of condolence phone calls and text messages in this time of Covid where even basic human contact is not possible. No friends or family to share my burden with, in person. No human touch. No hugs. Nothing. For the first time in my life, I was speechless with immense pain and grief. I was tottering towards sure-shot depression when I reconnected with Seema. In my numb state, I could only starkly describe what was going on with me. and that was when we restarted our sessions online. I am at a much better place now, proved by the fact that I am still around typing this testimonial today.   

When it comes to listening and guiding one through some of the roughest patches in life, Seema is a natural. I have spoken to enough counselors, also in the USA, to recognize a solid professional when I speak to one. She is effective, extremely sensitive to my needs and unrushed. In fact, prior to restarting my sessions with Seema, I had tried another online platform suggested to me by a friend here in India. The reason being that I thought it would be easier speaking to someone in the same time zone. I deeply regret that decision. Seema is definitely top notch and the years of experience that she brings with her is evident. For a queer Indian female childhood sexual abuse survivor who has had the crap knocked out of me (figuratively speaking) at several points in life, both in my homeland and abroad,  I can say with conviction that you will not regret trusting your deepest, darkest and most challenging truths and fears with Seema. You will have a dependable, non-judgemental, and deeply empathizing person helping you find your car, get inside it and take hold of the steering of your life, help change your gears only when YOU are ready to do so and then get to wherever it is that you decide to move towards at your own pace. And yes, managing different time zones has also been a breeze.

Thank you Seema! I do wish you the very best as you endeavor to meaningfully help more people. This is indeed your calling. More power to you.

— -JO

Mona’s testimonial
I first met Seema two decades ago. She was a trainer and supervisor in the organisation I joined as a trainee counsellor. It was a premier organization in New Delhi - a Crisis Intervention centre for psychological and mental issues. Her encouraging and appreciative spirit motivated me tremendously.

I now have my own private practice and when I recently felt the need for personal therapy, I immediately thought of Seema. This was the best choice I could have made. Her objectivity coupled with empathy and acceptance provided the right holding space for me.

Sessions with Seema are always engaging and appropriately challenging. These moments are some of the most productive I have had in terms of personal growth.

Counselling with Seema is a great opportunity for anyone who wishes to go down a therapeutic path, as well as for people who are used to working on
themselves and just need a nudge to move forward or for closing some of lifeʼs chapters. She is professional, very experienced, focused, and able to provide
the correct tools for solving issues at the right moment.
I feel more confident and unburdened after each session. She does give assignments that keep the therapy going and facilitates growth between

Seema is comfortable in her own skin, in being her human authentic self. This allows her to be more accepting and understanding of others.
Seema, we need more of your tribe.
— Mona M Sinha- Counsellor and Transitional Life Coach in private practice
Kavita’s testimonial
I’ve had the good fortune to be mentored as a counsellor by Seema several years ago and I am still grateful for her wisdom and experience in helping me reach my potential.

She is absolutely spot on while understanding the client (and I know this first-hand as she took me through several client cases as my supervisor) and her vast knowledge really pointed me in areas that I couldn’t see myself.

As a counsellor, Seema is very approachable, has a calm receiving presence, which makes it easy to open up with her. She lets one arrive at conclusions with gentle nudges and wise and softly worded probes and questions. With her immense knowledge, experience and wisdom, she has helped so many people to move out of their emotionally troubled situations.
I wish her great strides ahead in helping more people.
— Kavita Shriram- Counsellor, Trainer, Supervisor.

Please note: Some names have been changed for confidentiality when necessary.